Ingrid Muus, Author at Siljan Airpark - Page 3 of 8's Posts

SAPnews 1 – 2017

  • date
  • February 5, 2017

Not satisfied with the amount of snow for skiing in Siljan AirPark ? Do like the Diehl-girls Sarah and Sofia: Make your own!! In minus 27 degrees hot water spread out in the air. Snow-machines – like on Granberget! Thank you, Fredrik, for the photos. This is the time of the year where we all hope for lots and lots of snow – well almost all of us. But all children as well as the young at heart covet the white powder and the low temperatures, dreaming of hikes on the lake with skies under your boots, hot chocolate in your rucksack, and the sun pounding in your face - cross country skiing,...

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The grove at treshold 32 is soon history

  • date
  • December 15, 2016

Thanks to a persistent and diplomatic approach an agreement was finally reached with the owners of the ground where the grove at threshold 32 is located. The grove has gradually grown to become a risk for landing aircrafts and the airpark has spent quite some time persuading the owners to cut it down. Now finally an agreement was reached and the approach will soon be free of obstacles. The challenge now for landing aircrafts will be to avoid coming in too low in order not to be a nuisance for people living there. Beware of that!

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SAP news 7 – 2016

  • date
  • December 1, 2016

November, in many countries north of equator named the dreariest month of the year. An old Roman Catholic friend of mine even named November month of the dead. People associate November with darkness, low skies, decay, depression, slowing down. But if you look at it the other way round each term even comprises positive notes: it is the time when the Scandinavian term “hygge” – cosiness - really comes to its full right, because this term is associated with candle lights, open fire, hot drinks, good books, contemplation and absorption. And therefore also the season for memories, for looking...

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SAP news 6 – 2016

  • date
  • October 18, 2016

Indian Summer, September with warm days, warm waters and dark starry nights – and now real autumn October with the stiff north eastern wind that chills landscape, heart and soul. But soon the flaming autumn colours will decorate the woods along the runway, and with a little luck the deer may show up in their might of heat. In Siljan AirPark progress is flourishing with one new building permit, one in the process of approval, and one already acquired last year. During 2017 we will definitely see new buildings emerge on the grounds of Siljan AirPark. Conference on the future of Siljan AirPark Where...

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Judith Wordsworth attending FAI World Air Rally championships in Portugal

  • date
  • October 10, 2016

Remember Judith Wordsworth? She visited Siljan Airpark when writing her thesis for her MSc on Sustainable rural development (SRD) implications of Residential Airparks as part of her field studies and data collection back in 2011. Now she has been participating in the FAI World Air Rally Championship in Portugal and wrote an interesting and very informative blog about her experiences as one of the two british representatives in a Cessna 172. Visit her blog

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Common plots

  • date
  • August 12, 2016

Today August 15th it looks like this from the Rollvägen/Vindmyrvägen corner... ...and from the Vindmyrevägen/Rodervägen corner After many years' of plans and discussions our common "swamp" is finally being drained and levelled partly thanks to good timing and negotiations and partly to a generous donator.

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SAP news 5 – 2016

  • date
  • July 27, 2016

Celebration Around 50 air-parkers and local flying club members chose to spend their Saturday evening on the 23rd of July celebrating the 10th anniversary of the asphalt runway – a mile stone, indeed. 5:30 the threshold of RWY 32 was crammed with people cheering with Champaign and congratulating each other to this day. Carl Rönn presented briefly the story behind the asphalt runway and the shovel manufactured by Toffe and used for cutting the first turf was on display. Rune showered the guests with Champaign from the LS4 and René in his RVG congratulated the runway with breathtaking...

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  • date
  • July 26, 2016

Celebration Around 50 air-parkers and local flying club members chose to spend their Saturday evening on the 23rd of July celebrating the 10th anniversary of the asphalt runway – a mile stone, indeed. 5:30 the threshold of RWY 32 was crammed with people cheering with Champaign and congratulating each other to this day. Carl Rönn presented briefly the story behind the asphalt runway and the shovel manufactured by Toffe and used for cutting the first turf was on display. Rune showered the guests with Champaign from the LS4 and René in his RVG congratulated the runway with breathtaking...

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Celebration of Runway asphalt 10 years’ anniversary

  • date
  • July 24, 2016

Great party! See more pictures on the flying club website  and on facebook Siljan Airpark.

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SAP news 4 – 2016

  • date
  • July 12, 2016

One of nature’s very vulnerable creatures – a baby fawn, only a few days old. What you may meet in nature during the early summer days and what you may know how to protect. Nature – a vulnerable and yet robust “thing” when treated the right way. In Sweden the access to nature is very generous, called Allemansrätten, may be translated to something like “right of public access”, a right that can only exist and continue if we all respect the few rules of this right to enjoy and use nature and wildlife. It can be summed up with the phrase: Don’t disturb – don’t destroy. Read more...

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