Ingrid Muus, Author at Siljan Airpark - Page 4 of 8's Posts

Extra general meeting on June 26th cancelled

  • date
  • June 14, 2016

Please refer to your e-mail.

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SAP news 3 – 2016

  • date
  • June 8, 2016

Time flies, and it has been so long since last time SAPnews was in the air that even pilots are flying. The gliders are engaged in heavy activity at the flying club, and airparkers are flying to and fro to Siljansnäs. The birch trees have green leaves, the cherry blossoms have spread their snow and the skies are high, blue and with wonderful cumulus. Just ask the gliders. Now Dalarne is at its peak beauty although a bit chilly - rumour has it that temperatures have dropped remarkably in the airpark. Well, they do and they come up again. The good thing about that is that all the flowers and blossoms...

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Extra Annual meeting June 26th at 10 am at the flying club house – CANCELLED!!

  • date
  • May 27, 2016

-You have received the notice and the agenda in your mailbox.

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Minutes from board meeting 20160522

  • date
  • May 25, 2016

Minutes from board meeting 20160522 is now available on Member Forum > Meetings, Protocols and Documents. So far only in Swedish, an English translation will follow shortly. 27/5 it is there now! :)

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Minutes from annual meeting in SAPS

  • date
  • May 25, 2016

Minutes from our annual meeting is now available on Member Forum > Meetings, Protocols and Documents > Årsmöte 2016. Also the presentations of the motion made at the meeting is placed there for you to read.  

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SAP news 2 – 2016

  • date
  • March 31, 2016

  They are here now! The most sure sign that winter is over: the cranes! This couple was caught on film/disk by Ingmar Lind on March 29th. It is so comforting to see that they are “back in place”. They are also foreboding the coming season with hopefully a lot of flying, da capo of Siljansnäs Glide-in on July 2nd which has got a high  number of “likes” on its facebook profile, midsummer, celebration of the 10th birthday of the asphalt runway on July 23rd, Kräftis second Saturday in August, and all the other spontaneous get-togethers and improvised socializing that take place...

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Snow on the runway…

  • date
  • February 27, 2016

can be solved in different ways. Two approaches to solve the problem of snow on the runway :) :)

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SAP news 1 – 2016

  • date
  • February 22, 2016

Siljan AirPark in winter dress. One day in January from an altitude that allows all three elements of Siljan AirPark to fit in on this shot. After days of rain and thaw where all the good spirits took a serious dive this is what the airpark looks like again! One of these mornings where you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but in Siljan AirPark ! Although it is freezing cold – 19 C the beauty of nature in winter outfit pales the chill. The webcam on Granberget really catches the atmosphere. Another 10 cm of snow and the conditions for making a skitrack will be perfect. But until then the surroundings...

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Spring Labour Day May 1st 2016

  • date
  • February 19, 2016

The day after the annual meeting we will all be part of the force that cleans up after such a winter's day. Surely some award will be fixed for the evening. Welcome and join the party!

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  • date
  • January 8, 2016

Your favorite private aviation picture from 2015 to participate in our little SAPnews contest. Here's is a great example Mail your own to the editor!  

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