Ingrid Muus, Author at Siljan Airpark - Page 5 of 8's Posts

SAP news 10-2015

  • date
  • December 28, 2015

2015 is almost gone. The Christmas rush is over and the few remaining days tend to be a time of reflection. How were the 12 months now behind us? What were the joys, the victories and defeats, the challenges, the necessary and the unnecessary? But it is also a time for being visionary, looking ahead curious of the 12 months in front of us. How do we picture and imagine these days ahead? Siljan Airpark consists of a number of elements: the village, the museum and the flying club, and in this issue you can read about how the three “presidents” contemplate and predict on their respective...

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New owner to X 20

  • date
  • November 21, 2015

Confirmed from very reliable source: X 20 has now a new owner: Fredrik and Elin have bought the plot next to their  hangar. Congratulations! Everybody is eagerly awaiting what will be placed on this very attractive plot - if anything?

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SAP news 9 – 2015

  • date
  • November 19, 2015

Winter. Time and season for contemplation. Time to ponder the season gone, what were the high lights and deserve to be emphasized and strengthened to keep our airpark developing in the good and prosperous direction we started out with: a place where pilots and aviation enthusiasts and there families thrive and grow in respectful co-existence with each other and the environment. But even to consider and discuss what we want to avoid in times to come. This takes guts - to point out what we like and what we do not accept. But it is necessary to do it if our airpark is still to prosper. Autumn...

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Minutes from ordinary board meeting October 25th 2015 now on Member Forum

  • date
  • November 11, 2015

You find them as usual under Meetings, Protocols and Documents

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Meet your neighbour! Sign up for Labor Day October 24th 10am

  • date
  • October 12, 2015

Hello all members of Siljan Airpark Here is your chance to meet neighbours in Siljan Airpark Saturday October 24 when we have the traditional working day in our fine airpark. We shall make it nice and clean and those plot owners who hasn’t built a house yet and where the bushtrees has taken over are welcome to smarten their plots. Job on your own plots does not give any discount on the yearly member fee but all of you are welcome on the party in the evening when SAPS invites you for a pizza and everybody takes with them suitable beverages. Perhaps some of members will sponsor with drinks! Working...

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Visit from Norway October 25th

  • date
  • October 8, 2015

This beauty will - weather permitting - be visiting ESVS and Siljan Airpark on Sunday October 25th the day after our Labor Day, so hopefully a lot of airparkers will be present to enjoy this the fastest ultralight with retractable gear, mind you!...

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SAP news 2015 no 8

  • date
  • October 2, 2015

Mushroom season. Be careful. These beauties grow all over the place in Siljan Airpark. Not healthy. The legend has it that the Vikings ate them and went beserk – hence the nickname the beserks – but it is a myth, never documented. But it is not to be recommended to test whether it could have been. You get awfully sick if you eat them, really awfully, awfully. So don’t. Stick to the yellow chantarelles – if you can find them!! Don’t expect the locals to reveal where to go. They get this weird blank bottomless expression in their eyes if you ask: “well, you just take the gravel road,...

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FLYV comes to Siljan Airpark

  • date
  • September 5, 2015

 Rune Balle, chief editor of the Danish aviation magazine FLYV, plans to visit Siljan Airpark in the week-end October 2nd till 4th. The visit should result in a feature article in FLYV about our beautiful airpark. So if you haven't made plans for this particular week-end yet why not spend it in Siljan Airpark and show Rune a living and active airpark? And also: it is mushroom season!! Besides being the chief editor of FLYV Rune Balle runs Samsoe Airfield in Denmark.  He has indeed done a lot of interesting things on his rather unusual carreer way. Below is a clip from his linked in profile: Achieved...

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What happened to our trailer??

  • date
  • August 24, 2015

 The right wheel looks as if it has been driving on knife-blades. If anyone knows or have seen anything that can lead to what happened please notify Danne Marttinen.

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SAP news – 2015 – no 7

  • date
  • August 19, 2015

 Our new members Rodervägen 4 (Jocke's old house) Russell Myles and Brenda Storey live in Blairgowrie in Scotland. Brenda is a freelance writer. Russell is a commercial helicopter pilot flying the Bölkow105 and EC135 for both the Police and Ambulance. He previously flew Boeing 757, 767 and Fokker F27 for the airlines after leaving the Royal Air Force. For fun he currently flies a single seat Fokker Eindecker E111 Replica (like the one in the Siljan "Flying Theatre"), and used to own a 50% scale replica P47 Thunderbolt. Now they are looking for a long distance touring aircraft to get from...

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