Ingrid Muus, Author at Siljan Airpark - Page 6 of 8's Posts

SE-XJC good bye

  • date
  • July 31, 2015

Fredrik on his way to the last refuelling of his elegant RV, now moving out of Siljan Airpark. SOLD!

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Morning has broken…

  • date
  • July 31, 2015

Beautiful morning in the airpark, double rainbow and 6 (six) cranes grazing in the fields!

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Cranes flight training

  • date
  • July 27, 2015

A family of cranes caught in flight training of their youngster before the long journey to Spain.

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New Member

  • date
  • July 27, 2015

Russel Myles, new SAPSmember (wife Brenda absent at the briefing) introduced by Danne at the Siljansnäs fly-over  briefing in Danne's hangar. Russel, an ambulance helicopter pilot, is looking forward to participate in next year's fly-over.

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Siljan Airpark presented 11 airplanes today

  • date
  • July 26, 2015

Silja Airpark presented 11 airplanes today at Siljansnäs Day. An initiative taken by Dane resulted in 11 airplanes from SAP did a fly-by during the festival. The planes followed a pattern which passed above the church and thus flew above the crowd gathered on the lawn in front of the church. Ingmar Lind commented on the planes and the pilots, and the fly-bys was a success! Musch applause and a fantastic demonstration of how little moderne airplanes disturb the environment both on the noise side and on the air pollution side. Alice Byrholt made a small video showing all the planes participating...

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SAP news – 2015 – no 6

  • date
  • July 22, 2015

Something has changed in the airpark, something is different, something is missing. It took a couple of days to realize what we missed. The sound of trumpeting cranes at 2am!! One lonely crane occasionally walks the strip and the safety zones, but never more than one. In optimistic moments the guess is that one parents is taking care of the young one, cranes being very shy and their young ones vulnerable never leave them unguarded. A less optimistic view implies that the cranes have left our premises and prefer Olsnäs Bay. Well, you can’t win them all but if this is the case it is a great...

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Siljansnäs Day July 25th

  • date
  • July 22, 2015

Danne Martinen took the initiative to invite SAPpilots to present their aircrafts at the Siljansnäs Day by flying over the church (safety distance, naturally!). 11 pilots already signed up, and a briefing will be held Friday at 7:00PM in Danne’s hangar. Great idea and great initiative.

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Board meeting August 2nd in SAPS

  • date
  • July 22, 2015

The agenda for the next board meeting is available on Member Forum > Meetings, Protocols and Documents > Styrelsemöten/Boardmeetings in English as well as in Swedish

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Toffe flying SK 60 at Såtenäs

  • date
  • July 12, 2015

  Toffe dismounting after flight in a SK 60 - a prize won for drafting most members to Swedish Historic Flights Association  2014

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D-ERHJ arrived on July 11

  • date
  • July 12, 2015

Yesterday this beauty arrived at its new home in Siljan Airpark. Henner Jud flew his home built UL Savage Amphibia all the way from Neunkirchen to Siljan Airpark via Falköping fighting a strong headwind.

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