Ingrid Muus, Author at Siljan Airpark - Page 7 of 8's Posts

Raising Maypole Olsnäs 2015

  • date
  • July 5, 2015

 An old tradition in Sweden. This took place on the first Saturday of July in Olsnäs 5 km from Siljan Airpark. The party lasted all night - supposedly as it was a beautiful light and warm summernight as you find it in Scandinavia only :)

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New members of SAPS

  • date
  • July 1, 2015

Plot B4 has been sold. The nice log house and spacy hangar on Rodervägen 4 is now the airpark home for Russel and Brenda Myers from Scotland and their  "single seat Fokker E111 Eindecker replica like the one in the museum/flying circus" as they phrased it in one of their e-mails. We congratulate and welcome our new members of Siljan Airpark!

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Rare exotic visitors in SAP

  • date
  • June 24, 2015

Hercules C130 and a Husky on a sunny afternoon

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SAP news – 2015 – no 5

  • date
  • June 23, 2015

Siljan AirPark summer, most beautiful and lush time of the year. And not far away, at least not for pilots, really . This season is the time of buzzing activity in Siljan AirPark. People are outdoors, and in the evenings the sound of model planes and the special barbecue aroma are characteristics of the atmosphere in this great airpark. Midsummer is behind us, and a long hopefully warm season is in front of us. This coming week-end the flying club is having its very first glide-in. If weather permits many gliders are expected to fill the airspace above Siljan AirPark with their elegant exercises.   Local...

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RV’s over Siljan AirPark

  • date
  • June 15, 2015

  6 RV's made noise and smoke trails and everybody enjoyed it immensely! Nice formations decorated the sky above SAP, one of the pilots a SAP-member. If things go right and agreements can be made they will make a show at Kräftis 2015.

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Midsummer Eve in Siljan AirPark

  • date
  • June 15, 2015

Preparations are made for celebrating Midsummer in Siljan AirPark. Welcome to Potluck supper (knytkalas) at Midsummer Eve 3 PM at the Flying Club (The grill is hot). Check the Public Forum

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Fly-ins 2015

  • date
  • May 23, 2015

Inspiration for those who long to explore the world - in Sweden or outside ...

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Minutes from the annual meeting…

  • date
  • May 23, 2015

...can now be found on Member Forum in Swedish as well as in an English version.

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The eagle has landed! Watch the video!!

  • date
  • May 20, 2015

Welcome home!! After 42 hours in the air Knut Hoffmann landed in his newly acquired Cessna 177 Cardinal at ESVS. Knut and his good pilot friend took off from Memphis May 12th, and May 19th they sat the wheels on the asphalt of Siljansnäs and was received by a committee of friends and relatives who celebrated the safe arrival of N220IY at Knut and Rigmor's hangar in Siljan AirPark. The local press was there interviewing the happy owner Knut Hoffmann. Congratulations Knut and Rigmor to this new member of your "family"!...

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Minutes from the annual meeting on Forum

  • date
  • May 17, 2015

so far the Swedish edition only. English version will follow shortly.

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