
Kräftstjärtsvängen 2024 (2 – 4 Augusti)

  • date
  • August 2, 2024

  KORTFATTAT VAD SOM HÄNDER Vi inleder på fredag eftermiddag/kväll den 2 Augusti med "Åkdon och Termos" vilket är ett evenemang för veteranåkdonsvänner - Vanligtvis bilar, motorcyklar, mopeder, traktorer m.m. Det kanske till och med kommer ett och annat veteranflygplan? Man dyker helt enkelt upp i sitt åkdon och tar med sig egen förtäring. Mer information om Åkdon och Termos finns på deras Facebook sida. För flygande gäster som ankommer på fredagen så tänder vi grillarna vid flygklubben framåt kvällen. Det kommer finnas enklare mat att köpa för dem som inte kan eller...

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SAP news 1 – 2020

  • date
  • January 31, 2020

SAPnews 1-2020

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SAPnews 6 – 2019

  • date
  • October 9, 2019

6-2019 Fall, winter, close down.

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SAPnews 5 – 2019

  • date
  • October 9, 2019

This issue is about fire safety. Become  acquanited with the location of the fire fighting equipment in Siljan Airpark. SAPnews 5 extra - 2019

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SAPnews 2 – 2019

  • date
  • April 19, 2019

Spring is undoubtedly on its way no matter what the weather or the almanac tries to tell you. Officially March is the first spring calendar month on our latitudes but February has been trying to work its way into this category this year. Climate change? (...) The bird in our logo – the crane – Crus crus – never stops to fascinate. This year the “invasion” was watched at Pulken, a marsh-like area south of Kristianstad in the south east of Sweden. Most known among bird watchers is the Hornborgasjön, where 15-20.000 cranes rest each year on their way to Northern Sweden or Finland to establish...

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SAPnews 1 -2019

  • date
  • February 11, 2019

The thermometer shows – 21 Co, a black velvet sky sprinkled with bright quivering stars is the backdrop in our snow covered village Siljan Airpark. Not a sound can be heard, the cliché of “so silent that it hurts yours ears” seems for once to be exact the sentence in place. There is nothing as silent as snow gently dropping through the air softening your steps and gently silencing loud voices. The essence of poem written in 1986 by Helge Rode, a Danish poet. Time for non-flying doings, hangar activities like building, nursing and caring for aircrafts. Days of skiing ahead, skiing through...

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SAPnews 6 – 2018

  • date
  • December 4, 2018

SAPnews 6 - 2018

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SAPnews 4-2018

  • date
  • September 23, 2018

SAPnews 4 - 2018

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SAPnews 5-2018

  • date
  • September 23, 2018

SAPnews 5-2018 comp

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SAP news 2 – 2018

  • date
  • May 1, 2018

Two days ago on April 1st a flock of cranes of app 50 individuals passed above my head in my home town on the north coast of Sealand, Denmark. They were obviously headed towards Sweden, maybe Siljansnäs but troubled by the strong eastern head winds. They curved as to gain altitude and mental strength to cross the open water which they do not favour. But then they decided to go a bit along the coast to Elsinore where the crossing over open water is very short. Maybe they considered resting at the lake Pulken or the well known lake Hornborgarsjön. The result was that we could enjoy the fantastic...

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