
Workday on SiljanAirpark 29-30 October

  • date
  • August 30, 2016

PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEKEND Saturday 29th of October 9:00 to 15:00 Work day. Briefing outside Fredrik E before it starts. 16:00 to 19:00 Workshop/meeting. Snacks are served. @ Dannes hangar. 19:00 to … Bring-your-own-dinner @ Dannes hangar. Sunday 30th of October 09:00 to 12:00 Work day – half. Briefing at Fredrik E before it starts. Register to latest Oct 15 PRELIMINÄRT SCHEMA FÖR HELGEN Lördagen den 29e oktober 9:00 till 15:00 Arbetsdag. Uppsamling utanför Fredrik E. 16:00 till 19:00 Workshop/möte. Fika och snacks serveras. Plats: Dannes...

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Common plots

  • date
  • August 12, 2016

Today August 15th it looks like this from the Rollvägen/Vindmyrvägen corner... ...and from the Vindmyrevägen/Rodervägen corner After many years' of plans and discussions our common "swamp" is finally being drained and levelled partly thanks to good timing and negotiations and partly to a generous donator.

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SAP news 5 – 2016

  • date
  • July 27, 2016

Celebration Around 50 air-parkers and local flying club members chose to spend their Saturday evening on the 23rd of July celebrating the 10th anniversary of the asphalt runway – a mile stone, indeed. 5:30 the threshold of RWY 32 was crammed with people cheering with Champaign and congratulating each other to this day. Carl Rönn presented briefly the story behind the asphalt runway and the shovel manufactured by Toffe and used for cutting the first turf was on display. Rune showered the guests with Champaign from the LS4 and René in his RVG congratulated the runway with breathtaking...

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  • date
  • July 26, 2016

Celebration Around 50 air-parkers and local flying club members chose to spend their Saturday evening on the 23rd of July celebrating the 10th anniversary of the asphalt runway – a mile stone, indeed. 5:30 the threshold of RWY 32 was crammed with people cheering with Champaign and congratulating each other to this day. Carl Rönn presented briefly the story behind the asphalt runway and the shovel manufactured by Toffe and used for cutting the first turf was on display. Rune showered the guests with Champaign from the LS4 and René in his RVG congratulated the runway with breathtaking...

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Celebration of Runway asphalt 10 years’ anniversary

  • date
  • July 24, 2016

Great party! See more pictures on the flying club website  and on facebook Siljan Airpark.

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SAP news 4 – 2016

  • date
  • July 12, 2016

One of nature’s very vulnerable creatures – a baby fawn, only a few days old. What you may meet in nature during the early summer days and what you may know how to protect. Nature – a vulnerable and yet robust “thing” when treated the right way. In Sweden the access to nature is very generous, called Allemansrätten, may be translated to something like “right of public access”, a right that can only exist and continue if we all respect the few rules of this right to enjoy and use nature and wildlife. It can be summed up with the phrase: Don’t disturb – don’t destroy. Read more...

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Extra general meeting on June 26th cancelled

  • date
  • June 14, 2016

Please refer to your e-mail.

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SAP news 3 – 2016

  • date
  • June 8, 2016

Time flies, and it has been so long since last time SAPnews was in the air that even pilots are flying. The gliders are engaged in heavy activity at the flying club, and airparkers are flying to and fro to Siljansnäs. The birch trees have green leaves, the cherry blossoms have spread their snow and the skies are high, blue and with wonderful cumulus. Just ask the gliders. Now Dalarne is at its peak beauty although a bit chilly - rumour has it that temperatures have dropped remarkably in the airpark. Well, they do and they come up again. The good thing about that is that all the flowers and blossoms...

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Extra Annual meeting June 26th at 10 am at the flying club house – CANCELLED!!

  • date
  • May 27, 2016

-You have received the notice and the agenda in your mailbox.

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Minutes from board meeting 20160522

  • date
  • May 25, 2016

Minutes from board meeting 20160522 is now available on Member Forum > Meetings, Protocols and Documents. So far only in Swedish, an English translation will follow shortly. 27/5 it is there now! :)

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