
SAP news 1 – 2018

  • date
  • May 1, 2018

It has been a while, admitted. Due to circumstances beyond my control time passed and no newsletter was produced. I regret that but will attempt to make up for it, starting with all the best wishes for A Happy New Year to all Siljan Airpark inhabitants and their dear ones. This year it looks like we are having a real Dalecarlian winter with snow and low temperatures, creating perfect conditions for skiing in the woods as well as on the frozen lakes and waters. Nothing compares to sliding through the silent white powdered woods and come out at the edge of the woods in sparkling sun and glistening...

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SAP news 7 – 2017

  • date
  • February 1, 2018

Autumn is definitely here, winter is around the corner, and all the beautiful colours of this season are unfolding more and more everyday in Siljan Airpark. Maples are glowing in red and birches look like somebody put golden coins on all the twigs and branches. It is the season where you feel lucky when the weather invites you to go flying as the air oftentimes will be crisp, and both ceiling and visibility is turned on to “Infinite” – or as a pilot friend puts is: you can see as far as you feel like! Just keep the minus degrees off the threshold in order to let the beautiful colours last...

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SAPnews 6 – 2017

  • date
  • September 6, 2017

Already September, high skies – or? If you ask people most of them find that there must be just a little bit of summer left for us poor southern Scandinavians. Apparently summer stayed north of us and south of us, thanks to the jet streams that normally take a curved course across northern Europe and thus distribute warmth and chill more fairly than it did this summer where the track was straight across leaving mid-Scandinavia and northern Europe in rain, wind and low temperatures. At least this is the excuse for the lousy summer weather that our meteorologists on Danish TV came up with....

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SAPnews 5 – 2017

  • date
  • September 6, 2017

If it hadn’t been for all the greenery outside the windows you’d get the impression that Siljan Airpark was skipped this year when summer was distributed. What happened? Be just, you may argue, there have been days now and then with sun and summer temperatures but we miss the periods of summer, days in a row where the temperature never goes below 20 degrees 24/7. No, one day, maybe two days now and then before the grey sky and chilly wind returns. The hammock is swaying in the wind, abandoned as a forgotten toy on the beach. Grumpff. And as the calendar rushes away in direction Christmas...

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SAPnews 4 – 2017

  • date
  • July 23, 2017

  Flowers, ditches and meadows with all colours, blue dalarklocka, purple lupines, white daffodils, hundkex, yellow buttercups and many others, this is the essence of Swedish midsummer.  Flower boxes Again this year our flower boxes have been filled with sweet smelling herbs but also crunchy lettuce. This is such a remarkable service to all of us that we can step right out of the house and add these delicious and nutritious details to our daily meals. Great thanks to Rigmor and Knut who see to this every year now since long. Remember to water the boxes near your house, though, we must...

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SAP news 3 – 2017

  • date
  • May 31, 2017

Valborg on Björkberget 20140430 Valborgsmässa. May 1st, symbol of spring, cleaning out, and a new beginning. On Björkberget behind Siljan Airpark a huge bon fire was built, a choir was singing beautiful Swedish songs about spring, and a thought-provoking speech was held by I assume a relative maybe even the son of one rather well known Siljansnäs pastor Niels Tägt. The speaker, Niels-Olof Tägt, managed to include what to fight and what to support as humans. Good job. And then the fire was lit, the wind calmed down, and while the light of the sky diminished and the lights went on in the village...

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SAP news 2- 2017

  • date
  • April 17, 2017

Spring is on the move, and spring means end of skiing season, opening of flying season, end of heavy boots and mittens, and welcome to birds, sun, and above all – the cranes! On March 23rd 15000 cranes were counted at Hornborgarsjön and ”our” crane couple already arrived. And if we are lucky we may witness the famous crane dance that often will result in a little new crane who will have to learn the art of flying before leaving for Spain in august. Also this time of the year is Easter approaching and this often means more people in the airpark. Soon the SAP village will be humming with...

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SAPnews 1 – 2017

  • date
  • February 5, 2017

Not satisfied with the amount of snow for skiing in Siljan AirPark ? Do like the Diehl-girls Sarah and Sofia: Make your own!! In minus 27 degrees hot water spread out in the air. Snow-machines – like on Granberget! Thank you, Fredrik, for the photos. This is the time of the year where we all hope for lots and lots of snow – well almost all of us. But all children as well as the young at heart covet the white powder and the low temperatures, dreaming of hikes on the lake with skies under your boots, hot chocolate in your rucksack, and the sun pounding in your face - cross country skiing,...

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SAP news 7 – 2016

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  • December 1, 2016

November, in many countries north of equator named the dreariest month of the year. An old Roman Catholic friend of mine even named November month of the dead. People associate November with darkness, low skies, decay, depression, slowing down. But if you look at it the other way round each term even comprises positive notes: it is the time when the Scandinavian term “hygge” – cosiness - really comes to its full right, because this term is associated with candle lights, open fire, hot drinks, good books, contemplation and absorption. And therefore also the season for memories, for looking...

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SAP news 6 – 2016

  • date
  • October 18, 2016

Indian Summer, September with warm days, warm waters and dark starry nights – and now real autumn October with the stiff north eastern wind that chills landscape, heart and soul. But soon the flaming autumn colours will decorate the woods along the runway, and with a little luck the deer may show up in their might of heat. In Siljan AirPark progress is flourishing with one new building permit, one in the process of approval, and one already acquired last year. During 2017 we will definitely see new buildings emerge on the grounds of Siljan AirPark. Conference on the future of Siljan AirPark Where...

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