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Meet your neighbour! Sign up for Labor Day October 24th 10am

  • date
  • October 12, 2015

Hello all members of Siljan Airpaarbejdsdagrk

Here is your chance to meet neighbours in Siljan Airpark Saturday October 24 when we have the traditional working day in our fine airpark. We shall make it nice and clean and those plot owners who hasn’t built a house yet and where the bushtrees has taken over are welcome to smarten their plots. Job on your own plots does not give any discount on the yearly member fee but all of you are welcome on the party in the evening when SAPS invites you for a pizza and everybody takes with them suitable beverages. Perhaps some of members will sponsor with drinks! Working supervisor is Danne Marttinen 070-5477187 and meeting point is 10 am at the entrance to Propellervägen 2 where Danne will allocate the different tasks.

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