Not satisfied with the amount of snow for skiing in Siljan AirPark ? Do like the Diehl-girls Sarah and Sofia: Make your own!! In minus 27 degrees hot water spread out in the air. Snow-machines – like on Granberget! Thank you, Fredrik, for the photos. This is the time of the year where we all hope for lots and lots of snow – well almost all of us. But all children as well as the young at heart covet the white powder and the low temperatures, dreaming of hikes on the lake with skies under your boots, hot chocolate in your rucksack, and the sun pounding in your face – cross country skiing, the national sport of Sweden. Those who have to remove the white stuff in order to let the rest of us pass are most needed, respected and their work highly appreciated.
From the board
The new board of SAPS has had its first meeting on January 14th. Minutes can be read on Member Forum as always, under Meetings, Protocols and Documents. Headlines from the meeting included a 3-year plan and a 10 year vision to be the leading star in the further development of Siljan AirPark. Coming project plans about infrastructure like roads, lights, solar energy, small business activity etc. all to be further investigated in a working group and discussed for final decisions at coming annual meetings. But also discussions about today’s small and not so small but troublesome projects like drainage of the common plot, clearing ditches, separation of waste in the sewer system, English version of statutes etc. The discussions about fibre net by IP-only are also still running, encountering problems stalling the project.
Presentations from the Future Conference now on Forum
On Member Forum you will now be able to watch the presentations given by Johan Hammarström and by KSAK on the future conference. Combine them with the summary made by Christer Wretlind and brought to you by e-mail, and you should be able to get a general impression of what were the contents on the conference. In his presentation on how far we have come on the 3-year-plan Johan has ticked off with green V what we have achieved, put a yellow exclamation mark ! on matters still under discussion, and a red x where we haven’t stepped forward yet – at least not when the presentation was made. For as you know the grove at threshold 32 is now gone!! Hurray!! – and
mailboxes are “right around the corner” – although NOT in aviation related designs, unfortunately. Postnord apparently doesn’t share our love for those little machines.
But that transforms two of the red x’es into green V’s.
In the KSAK presentation you see a promising attitude towards support in marketing of Siljan AirPark, and the ambitions are high from our “largest interest group”. One can’t help pondering the fact that our little village only has 45 “tax-payers” to carry it all. This can be a challenge in the future.
The owner of the Siljansnäs hotel – right now refugee accommodations – attended the meeting and expressed great interest in development of the airpark and revealed some interesting ideas including café, accommodations etc. and were very interested in including the flying club in the projects.
You find all the details in the minutes.
Follow Sigurd Martin
As you may remember airparkmember Russel Myles bought a Sting TL last year, and for the first time he can enjoy flying winter time without getting the feeling of loosing his ears to KingFrost which was the case when he was flying in his little warbird replica. Enjoy Russels’ evident love for his beautiful homeland Scotland from above in his blog
Take care of our sewer!!!
Now, this is an extremely disgusting topic but of utmost importance for our well-being in the airpark!!
If you did not know it already and if you have tenants who will not know please paste a huge sign on your toilets where every one can see it that toilet drains are for pee, shit, and toilet paper AND NOTHING ELSE!!! No tampons, no condoms, no napkins, no swabs, Human waste only. Cleaning and emptying our sewer system for all these items is at the cost of a JSF (Joint Strike Fighter).
In short, you only throw two things in the toilet:
1. What comes out of the body
2. Toilet paper
Everything else should be thrown in your trash can. If it comes to chemicals, take it to the recycling center. If you are going with drug residues, go to the pharmacy.
Especially hair, cooking oil and cotton swabs lead to major difficulties if you throw them in the toilet. Hair gather for large hairballs, swabs can clog sewage pumps, while cooking oil solidifies and makes fat clots in the sewer system.
That’s according to the country supplies a large problem, since many apparently confuse toilets with garbage cans, giving damage to the sewer.
On request…. if things go wrong with your internet:
Support for Internet connection is delivered by IT Systems i Dalarna AB
Support for general Internet access problems regarding Internet infrastructure and access points on the Airpark are paid by SAPS
Support for problems regarding internet connection that depends on misconfigurations on private equipment IT Systems will charge the owner of the house.
Before calling IT Systems for support please advise with SAPS IT Manager to find out if the problem is general (Internet is down for everyone) or it is only a private matter. Support for general internet access problems should always called by SAPS IT Manager or a board member.
Call IT Systems: Tel. No. 0247-12200 or email
•600 SEK per hour
•The minimum charge for jobs on site is 1 hour.
•Travel expenses will be added with 30 SEK per mil.
•The minimum charge for remote support is 30min
•Our office hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 to 17:00 Lunch 12:00 to 13:0
•Job after 17 will cost 900kr per hour between 17-20 and 1.200kr per hour after 20 and weekends.
•All prices are excluding VAT
Best regards
Tel: +46 767791851 (this information is also available on Forum Board indexSiljanAirPark Member ForumInternet access – Website – Forum
RC-flying way up high
In the Austrian Alps we met Ib the Carpenter with his new baby a triplane Fokker Dr.I, and amidst mountain tops, lift wires, hotel buildings and monstrous machinery for keeping the slopes Ib elegantly showed what this baby could do. Even the colours matched the surroundings! Lovely!
Annual meeting in Siljan Airpark Samfällighetsförening 2017 will be held
on Saturday April 1st at 13.00.
at the Flying Club house
Be sure to provide necessary information and signatures in a power of attorney to your proxy if you are unable to attend the meeting yourself.
In our airpark we are proud of having so many nationalities represented, we find it enriching and inspiring. We have our general meeting in English to be sure everybody understands, we have a newsletter in English, and now we for the first time we have elected a non—Swedish speaking member to our board – the group of people whom we trust to take care of our association and our money!! They must be able to read the statutes which are their legal guidelines in their work on the board! Important paper! The document which you may consider the constitution for how the board of our plot-owners’ association can act and cannot act is available in Swedish only. Embarrassing! Furthermore it is available as a pdf-file which means you cannot run it through google-translate unless you have a conversion program that can do the magic transformation from pdf into text file. And running a text in a language you cannot read through google translate can cause laughter as well as disaster as you cannot control the result. That is not good enough, it is definitely not good enough!
In the minutes from the latest board meeting you will see that it appears to be a money question. But you could consider it an investment: once the statutes are translated the amendments that may come in the future will represent a very modest cost if any.
The correct way to do it would be to let a pro translate from Swedish to English, let another pro do a back translation, and let a small group of people with Swedish as mother tongue evaluate this back translation. That is the way to do it.
So let us have it done in a way where we know that the Swedish and the English versions are semantically identical. Preferably before the general meeting on April 1st.
A brilliant idea
Remember Garret Fisher? The renowned pilot and author who intended to fly to Siljan Airpark last summer but ran into mechanical trouble and eventually was stopped by German bureaucracy? Read about him in SAPNews 3-2016. Garret has an article in Aopa Pilot January 2017 where he is pondering this question. Read it and enjoy the beautiful pictures from the Pyrenees. Wouldn’t it be grat to have Garret Fisher visiting Siljan Airpark some time and write about it? He knows he is welcome.
Printed with permission from Gary Clark, see more on
Ingrid Muus, editor